Switch to ECS Pooled Trust
Contact us to receive specific instructions on how to address any issues you're encountering with your existing pooled trust. Let's discuss your current situation and the challenges you're facing. Take advantage of our complimentary consultation to initiate the transition and enroll with ECS Pooled Trust
Consult your current pooled trust for guidance on closing your account. Follow their instructions to allow a proper closure, leaving no income behind. Obtain your final Verification of Deposit (VOD) form from your old trust, as you will need it for your Medicaid recertification, along with the one you'll receive from ECS.
When joining ECS pooled trust we'll waive the enrollment fee, as you've already paid this fee with your previous trust. To safeguard your benefits we'll establish a new pooled trust. In order to avoid a gap in your medicaid coverage you will fund your monthly surplus into the ECS pooled trust the following month. Make sure that you don't miss a deposit during the transition to ECS to protect your benefits.